
Have you discovered just how time consuming modern payroll administration can be?

If you’re now looking for a team of financial advisors to take the burden off your shoulders, then you are in the right place.

At Pugsley Revill, we have been assisting Dorset based clients with their payroll services for over three decades. This means that we have seen exactly how the system has evolved and how sophisticated it has become over the years.

Business owners without a background in accounting can find payroll to be a truly arduous part of running a company. Our team is here to relieve you of these duties by providing a comprehensive payroll service that covers every aspect.


Pugsley Revill can provide:

  • Detailed employee payslips
  • Administration of national insurance, PAYE, maternity pay and statutory sick pay and advise you of payments due.
  • Reporting to HMRC in real time under the RTI requirements.
  • Setting up and ongoing administration of your pension auto-enrollment scheme.
  • Completion of forms P11D to declare benefits in kind.

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